Tomorrow’s cannabis consumer will be savvier than yesterday’s or today’s. They will demand products and brands that can safely and effectively deliver the precise experience they want. They will seek out products with proven healing capabilities and they’ll want spaces that deliver in terms of entertainment and comfort, providing value on par with what their favorite brands like Apple, Nike or Coca-Cola deliver. These are the insights that inform the creation of Element 7’s holistic wellness experience.
We know that this holistic wellness positioning will resonate with health-conscious Californians, who are always looking for ways to lead a better, healthier, and cleaner life. The proposed business aligns neatly with the Town’s health initiatives that promote a range of health and wellness initiatives to tackle the most significant local health issues (rising obesity, diabetes, low rates of exercise, inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, asthma, and mental health issues. Element 7 is determined to work with the Town to positively impact these serious issues.